June 24-25, 2022
Conversations About Your Art connects artists in GDAG’s Local Artist Show 2022 with visiting artist and curator Sandee Moore.
Local Artist Show 2022 features artwork from over 50 local artists, artisans, craftspeople, hobbyists, and creative folks. The exhibition takes place June 1-30 and is a popular annual offering in the Yorkton arts community. As a public engagement and professional development activity, the Local Artist Show provides hands-on experience in a professional public art gallery.
Conversations About Your Art builds on this framework, providing opportunity for participating artists to share their work with a visiting artist and curator, and to talk about their ideas and professional goals.
The in-person sessions take place at the gallery where participating artists can speak about their work(s) on display and bring additional works to show as desired.
Sessions are up to one hour in duration. Reserve your spot as soon as possible, bookings are reserved on a first-come-first-served basis.
Artists are invited to sign up for either on-on-one sessions or for group sessions, at the following times:
[strikethrough indicates times already reserved]
Friday June 24 One-on-One Sessions
Friday June 24 Group Session (up to 5 artists)
Saturday June 25 One-on-One Sessions
Saturday June 25 Group Session (up to 5 artists)
There is no fee to participate. To sign up, please contact GDAG.
Following the sessions on Saturday, June 25, GDAG will host an exhibition reception for Local Artist Show 2022, featuring a talk by visiting artist and curator Sandee Moore.