
Become a member and stay informed of our programming while helping support the arts in our community. Members of the Godfrey Dean Art Gallery receive printed and mailed notices for exhibitions and programming, and benefit from reduced pricing for art classes and workshops. Supporting and Sponsor members receive a discount in the Gallery Shop.
If you can’t become a member, that’s okay! You can join our Mailing List for free and receive email notifications of our exhibitions and programming.

Individual Membership
$30/year ($20 if student)
Digital exhibition and programming invitations
Reduced cost for art classes and workshops
Voting member

Supporting Membership
Print and digital exhibition and programming invitations
Reduced cost for art classes and workshops
10% reduced price on artwork for sale in the Gallery Shop
Voting member

Sponsor Membership
$100 + /year
Print and digital exhibition and programming invitations
Recognition of business or organization online and in Gallery
Non-voting member